28 January 2013

Libby Stanion

Libby Stanion is a designer who has come from a handmade and fabric background and uses it to create 3D structures in different materials.
[Source] http://cargocollective.com/lrsdesign#

In this 3D structure you can see that it is made up of multiple shapes and put together to create a new shape, I like this work because in a way it looks like something you can relate to like something you see in doodle form on the corner of an exercise book. This style could be something that I would consider for my own work because it is simple yet effective.

[Source] http://cargocollective.com/lrsdesign#

Here a similar shape has been created and repeated but this time it is made of fabric, this shows that these things don't nessecerily have to be made of paper and you can still produce the same effect. With this piece I also like how the stripes and colours are arranged although I'm not quite sure why, I can't pin-point it but it could be something to consider when making a background or theme colour when working with shapes with multiple sides as it shows it can still look good without it naturally flowing into the next face of a shape.