6 February 2013


After our workshop on creating logos I decided to look in the library for inspiration for logo designs and I found I really good book called Logolounge(6), this book I really enjoyed looking through and found some examples of logos that I really liked.

[Source] p.75 Logolounge(6) 

[Source] p.76 Logolounge(6)

[Source] p.80 Logolounge(6)
 In the examples above the thging I liked was how many different ways each letter is portrayed; this was something I struggled with in the workshop when using my initials to create a logo design. I will now use this as inspiration for being creative with letter forms aqnd the decoration around them.
[Source] p.91 Logolounge(6)
Another thing we had looked in the workshop was the use of shape in logos and in these examples I liked the use of the circle and how it wasn't just a logo surrounding but was used as part of the logo, this will be something I will try to look at further in my own experiemnts. I particularly like "nige", "ping" and "jugar"because of the way they bring the white into the logo from outside of the circle.
[Source] p.152 Logolounge(6)
In these logos I also liked the use of the circle shape but it is less restricted and they are also a good example of how a logo doesn't have to include typography. Although I like this and did once consider creating a non-typographic logo I decided against it as my chosen area is typography and that should be demonstrated in my logo in some way. this is not to say that i won't combine image and text in some of my experiments.
[Source] p.98 Logolounge(6)
Finally from this book I liked these examples of what I'd call less uniform, what i mean is that they are not strict within a shape or only using initials, to me they seem a bit more expressive and fun especially with a bright use of colour. i also like some of the typography styles the the way "kids" overlaps and "rojo" has a printed effected with the imperfect ink. i may do some like this of my own but I'm not sure yet so I will do some more reseach.