7 February 2013


I went back and looked through the work of my chosen agency I love dust and I have decided that in my work I'd like to use hand drawn typography although the agency uses both hand drawn and digital type and I like both styles I feel like my work would maybe look better if I just stuck to one style through out (unless later on I can find a way which looks right to mix it, this may be aided by my method of presentation). I have a personal interest in hand drawn type and I'd like to explore that more so that is why I have chosen that side of things.
To help me with my ideas I have been looking through my copy of Hand Job (A catalog of Type) and this is sort of like a typography bible for all things hand drawn. I have picked out multiple examples that I think fit in with I love dust's style because I want my work to show that I can work in the same way (without copying).

[Source] p.62 Hand Job
 This was the first type I came across which I liked, it is very simple but could still be used well and I like how the black adds depth to it, it doesn't come across as a very serious font and I think on a piece of woth it would be quite bold.
[Source] p.97 Hand Job
 This to me is quite structured but it's slight ittalic style makes it look a bit free somehow, I like the use of the straight, thick black lines. I may use something like this in my design but in comparison to the one above my eye is more drawn to that one because it is cleaner and now it looks less playfull and more professional (somehow).
[Source] p.122 Hand Job
 I love this type and I think I am quite likely to use this in my work, I like how it is filled in and it has a straight uniform feel to it yet is semi-playful at the same time. I see this as a more formal font because of the bold striking feel you get from it so it could be used for a more serious point in the 4 pieces of information on my package.
[Source] p.145 Hand Job

[Source] p.144 Hand Job
 These two I think take on a sort of graffiti style which I like as it is fun and could be used for a more playful moto in my group of 4. Graffiti is a more moder style and I think that would fit in with the agency's work because their work all feels and looks very modern, they have also used more psychodelic fonts.
[Source] p.214/215 Custom Lettering of the '60's and '70's
I thought I'd include this double page spread of psychodelic type from a different book because it is a style that has been used and I think I am going to use some myself. I like the free flow of it and how when words are placed ontop of eachother the curve up and down into each other, it's different, fun and less structred.
[Source] p.31 Hand Job
Finally I found this page in Hand Job and I like how all the fonts are on the page together mixed up and it works, this shows me that if I wanted to put all four of my pieces of information together but use different fonts then I can.