16 April 2013

Cell animation

During this workshop we had to take two logos and create an animation with them to last 12 seconds at 12fps (frames per second).

These were the two logos we decided to work with in our group, we chose these because they were reasonably simple and we quickly decided on an idea of what to do with them.

These were out idea sketches of what we wanted to happen before we made our storyboard. We decided that the arrow was going to come down a break shapes up to create a face (character) and then our face was going to do something such as blinking.

On our storyboard we kept it simple with each action taking 1 second (12 frames) to complete. There would be a zoom into the face before blinking and eye movements before beginning to coe to a close with the face falling apart and ending on the same blank screen we started with. We did this to make it rounded with a real beginning, middle and end, just like any narrative. 

This video was a 12 frame test to check the alignment when using the iPad app I Can Animate. After deciding that is was working well I continued to create the full 12 seconds (below).