16 April 2013

Methods of portrail

There are many different ways I could go about my animation so I need to start thinking about which direction I'd like to go in so that I look for inspiration for animations created in that way.

Possible methods:
(by methods I mean ways of representation not processes such as cell animation) 
contrast: light/dark
layering of images
art movement

camera angles/zooms

For this song I don't think that typography is suitable unless I created a shape out of letters but I think with the abstract ideas we're aiming for it is too complicated and adds an unnecessary element to the simplicity of shapes. I don't think I would use clay either as although it would be nice to have a Wallace and Gromit feel it would take too long in the given time and again add too many complications.  
After doing the cell animation i do quite like that approach although it can be stressful but that could fit in with the timeframe I have. 
Shapes and colours are an obvious must have for creating a visual but the selection of those is important. I also think some kind of contrast would work well due to the darker nature of the song, it could compliment it or emphasise it.

I think my direction is very open but there is a high likelyhood that I will choose illustration. I will look at inspiration to see what I can get from that and if my mind is changed afterwards. 

At the moment I think I prefer the idea of a more "hands on" approach having never used After effects before I think things like lights and cameras will purely depend on my grasping of the software so I'm aiming for something simple with a good execution rather than relying on my digital skills.